What is Intelligent Document Processing & How Does It Work?

Document Automation Tips
Intelligent document processing (IDP) is a technology that uses artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to automate the extraction, processing, and analysis of data from various types of documents. It goes beyond traditional Optical Character Recognition (OCR) by incorporating advanced capabilities to understand and interpret the content, context, and structure of documents.
August 1, 2024
What is Intelligent Document Processing & How Does It Work?

Struggling to manage your documents and improve efficiency? Imagine having a smart assistant that reads and understands your documents instantly. That's what intelligent document processing does—it saves you time and money by quickly and accurately pulling out the important details. If you're not using it, you're missing out on a tool that makes your work easier and faster.

According to a McKinsey Global Executives Survey, 70% of organizations are piloting business process automation in one or more units. Is it time for you to do the same? Before you jump in, let’s understand what intelligent document processing is, how it works, its benefits, and much more. Ready? Let’s get started!

What is intelligent document processing?

Intelligent document processing (IDP) is a technology that uses artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to automate the extraction, processing, and analysis of data from various types of documents.

It goes beyond traditional Optical Character Recognition (OCR) by incorporating advanced capabilities to understand and interpret the content, context, and structure of documents.

By utilizing AI and ML, IDP systems not only recognize text but also understand and interpret the content, context, and structure of documents. This results in more accurate data extraction, reduced manual effort, and improved overall efficiency in handling diverse and complex document types. And that’s not all. Let’s see how beneficial IDP can be for you.

5 Key benefits of intelligent document processing

Intelligent document processing offers a lot of advantages by automating the extraction, processing, and analysis of information from various types of documents. This not only enhances operational efficiency but also drives better decision-making, compliance, and customer satisfaction. 

Here are the top five benefits of IDP:

  1. Increased efficiency
  2. Enhanced accuracy
  3. Scalability
  4. Cost savings
  5. Improved compliance and security

1. Increased efficiency

Intelligent document processing automates repetitive and labor-intensive tasks such as data entry, document sorting, and information retrieval. This automation accelerates the entire document processing workflow, allowing organizations to process large volumes of documents much faster. Reduced turnaround times enable employees to focus on higher-value tasks, leading to significant improvements in productivity and operational efficiency.

2. Enhanced accuracy

Using AI and ML algorithms, IDP significantly reduces the likelihood of errors that are common with manual data entry and processing. This ensures high data accuracy and integrity, which is crucial for informed decision-making and maintaining reliable records. The reduced error rate also minimizes the need for costly corrections and rework.

3. Scalability

IDP systems can handle increasing volumes of documents seamlessly, without requiring proportional increases in manpower or resources. Organizations can scale their operations efficiently, managing growing amounts of data and document processing needs without being constrained by manual processing limitations. This scalability supports business growth and adaptability to market demands.

4. Cost Savings

Automating document processing reduces the reliance on manual labor, lowers the incidence of errors, and minimizes the resources needed for rework. This leads to substantial cost savings over time. By streamlining document workflows and improving process efficiency, organizations can allocate their resources more effectively and reduce operational expenses.

5. Improved compliance and security

IDP ensures that data is processed consistently and in accordance with regulatory requirements, helping organizations maintain compliance with industry standards and regulations. Enhanced compliance reduces the risk of regulatory penalties and legal issues. Additionally, IDP systems often incorporate advanced security measures to protect sensitive data, ensuring that information is handled securely and reducing the risk of data breaches.

The benefits of increased efficiency, enhanced accuracy, scalability, cost savings, and improved compliance and security collectively empower businesses to operate more effectively and competitively.

How does intelligent document processing work?

Understanding how intelligent document processing (IDP) works is crucial for organizations looking to implement this technology to streamline their document workflows. Here is a detailed breakdown of each step involved in the IDP process:

1. Document Ingestion

The first step in IDP involves gathering documents from multiple sources to create a centralized repository. This ensures that all relevant documents, whether physical or digital, are captured and ready for processing.

  • Scanned Images: Physical documents, such as paper forms, are digitized using scanners. High-resolution scans ensure that even fine details are captured accurately, providing a clear base for data extraction.

  • Emails: Documents attached to emails are automatically detected and extracted. The system can process various attachment formats, including PDFs, images, and text files, allowing seamless integration of incoming information.

  • Digital Forms: Data from online forms and electronic submissions is directly captured. This includes forms filled out on websites or mobile applications, which are often structured for easy extraction.

  • Cloud Storage: Documents stored in cloud services like Google Drive, Dropbox, or OneDrive are retrieved using API integrations. This ensures that data from various digital repositories is accessible, centralizing document management.

2. Pre-processing

Pre-processing enhances the quality and format of the documents to prepare them for accurate data extraction. This step is crucial for improving OCR results and ensuring the data is machine-readable.

  • Image Enhancement: Techniques such as de-skewing (correcting tilted text), de-noising (removing background noise), and contrast adjustment improve the readability of scanned documents. Enhanced images lead to more accurate OCR results.

  • Optical Character Recognition (OCR) Conversion: Documents are converted into a machine-readable format. For instance, a scanned PDF is transformed into text that can be processed by software applications, making the information searchable and editable.

3. Classification

Documents are sorted into categories based on their type and content, enabling the application of specific processing rules for each category. This classification is essential for managing diverse document types effectively.

  • Machine learning models: AI algorithms analyze the content and structure of documents to classify them into predefined categories, such as invoices, contracts, receipts, or correspondence. This classification is crucial for applying the right processing rules to each document type.

  • Template matching: The system compares documents to existing templates to determine their type. This is particularly useful for documents with a consistent structure, such as standard forms, enabling quick and accurate categorization.

4. Data extraction

Key data points are identified and extracted from the documents, transforming unstructured data into structured information. This step leverages advanced technologies to ensure the accuracy and relevance of the extracted data.

  • Optical Character Recognition (OCR): OCR technology reads printed or handwritten text from documents and converts it into digital text. This is essential for extracting text from scanned images, turning them into usable data.

  • Natural Language Processing (NLP): NLP algorithms analyze the text to understand context and semantics, allowing the system to accurately extract relevant information, such as dates, names, amounts, and addresses. This step ensures that the extracted data is meaningful and contextually appropriate.

  • Pattern recognition: The system uses predefined patterns (e.g., date formats, invoice numbers) to locate and extract specific data points from the text. This method enhances the precision of data extraction, especially for standard data fields.

5. Validation and verification

The extracted data is checked for accuracy and consistency to ensure it meets quality standards. This step involves cross-referencing data with existing records and applying business rules.

  • Cross-referencing: Data is validated by comparing it with existing databases or records. For example, an extracted invoice number can be checked against the company's accounting system to ensure it matches an expected format, verifying its authenticity.

  • Business rules application: Specific rules are applied to the data to ensure it meets predefined criteria. For example, dates must be within a certain range, or amounts must be above a minimum threshold, ensuring that the data complies with business standards and requirements.

6. Post-processing and integration

The final step involves formatting the data and integrating it into business systems to enable seamless workflows. This step ensures that the processed data is ready for further use and automation.

  • Data formatting: The extracted data is transformed into the required format for further use. For example, converting dates to a standard format or structuring extracted information into a table ensures compatibility with other systems.

  • System integration: The formatted data is imported into enterprise systems such as ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), CRM (Customer Relationship Management), or databases. This ensures seamless workflow continuation and data availability across the organization, promoting efficiency and accuracy.

  • Workflow automation: Based on the processed data, automated processes are triggered. For instance, an approved invoice might automatically initiate a payment process in the financial system, reducing manual intervention and speeding up operations.

By delving into each step of intelligent document processing, you can get a clear understanding of how the technology works and how to implement it effectively. Each stage, from document ingestion to system integration, is crucial for ensuring accurate, efficient, and secure document processing. This knowledge enables your organization to optimize your document workflows, resulting in enhanced productivity and operational efficiency.

Top 7 use cases of intelligent document processing

Intelligent document processing is beneficial to businesses in many different industries by automating the extraction, interpretation, and management of data from documents. Here are some key use cases of IDP that illustrate its capabilities and importance.

1. Finance and accounting

  • Invoice processing: IDP automates data extraction from invoices, validates information against purchase orders, and integrates it into accounting systems. This reduces manual data entry, minimizes errors, and speeds up the accounts payable process, resulting in faster payment cycles and better cash flow management.

  • Expense management: IDP extracts and categorizes expenses from receipts and reports, ensuring accurate and timely reimbursements. This reduces the administrative burden on employees and enhances financial oversight.

  • Financial reporting: IDP collects data from multiple financial documents to create accurate and comprehensive financial reports. This provides timely and precise financial insights, aiding in strategic decision-making and regulatory compliance.

2. Healthcare

  • Medical records management: IDP digitizes and extracts data from patient records, lab reports, and other medical documents. This updates electronic health records (EHR) systems accurately and efficiently, improving patient care and operational efficiency.

  • Insurance claims processing: IDP automates data extraction and validation from insurance claim forms. This reduces the time required for claim approvals and reimbursements, enhancing patient satisfaction and operational efficiency.

  • Clinical trials: IDP manages and processes large volumes of clinical trial documents, ensuring accurate data capture. This helps comply with regulatory requirements and enhances the integrity of clinical trial data.

3. Legal industry

  • Contract analysis: IDP extracts and analyzes key terms and clauses from contracts. This enables quick review and management of legal agreements, reducing the time and effort required for contract analysis.

  • Case management: IDP organizes and extracts information from legal case files. This makes it easier to track case details and progress, improving the efficiency and effectiveness of legal workflows.

  • Compliance monitoring: IDP ensures legal documents comply with industry regulations by extracting and validating relevant information. This reduces the risk of non-compliance and associated penalties, enhancing legal compliance and risk management.

4. Human resources

  • Employee onboarding: IDP automates the processing of onboarding documents, such as employment contracts, tax forms, and identification documents. This streamlines the hiring process, reduces administrative workload, and improves the new employee experience.

  • Resume screening: IDP extracts and analyzes data from resumes to identify the most qualified candidates. This speeds up the recruitment process and ensures the best candidates are selected based on predefined criteria.

  • Performance reviews: IDP collects data from various performance-related documents to generate comprehensive employee performance reports. This provides detailed insights into employee performance, aiding in career development and performance management.

5. Insurance

  • Policy administration: IDP extracts data from insurance policies and integrates it into policy management systems. This enhances the efficiency of policy administration, ensuring accurate and timely updates to policy records.

  • Claims processing: IDP automates the extraction and validation of data from claim forms and supporting documents. This speeds up the claims approval process, improving customer satisfaction and operational efficiency.

  • Risk assessment: IDP analyzes data from various documents to assess risk and determine appropriate insurance premiums. This improves the accuracy of risk assessments and premium calculations, supporting better risk management.

6. Retail and e-commerce

  • Order processing: IDP automates the extraction of order details from purchase orders and integrates them into order management systems. This ensures accurate order fulfillment, reduces processing time, and improves customer satisfaction.

  • Customer service: IDP extracts data from customer inquiries and support tickets to provide quick and accurate responses. This improves the efficiency and effectiveness of customer service operations, enhancing customer experience.

  • Inventory management: IDP analyzes data from supplier invoices and delivery notes to maintain accurate inventory records. This supports accurate inventory tracking and management, reducing stockouts and overstock situations.

7. Government and public sector

  • Document digitization: IDP digitizes and extracts data from various government documents, such as tax forms, applications, and records. This improves public service delivery by making information more accessible and reducing processing times.

  • Regulatory compliance: IDP ensures documents comply with regulations by extracting and validating relevant information. This reduces the risk of non-compliance and associated penalties, enhancing regulatory compliance.

  • Citizen services: IDP automates the processing of applications and forms submitted by citizens, such as passport applications and social service requests. This streamlines citizen services, reducing processing times and improving service delivery.

Intelligent document processing offers significant benefits across many industries by automating and optimizing document-centric workflows. From finance and healthcare to legal and government sectors, IDP enhances efficiency, accuracy, and compliance, enabling organizations to handle large volumes of documents with ease and precision.

How can Docxster help with intelligent document processing?

Docxster is an advanced AI-driven platform that significantly enhances intelligent document processing (IDP) through various features and capabilities. Here’s a detailed explanation of how Docxster assists in intelligent document processing:

1. Advanced data extraction

Docxster uses sophisticated Optical Character Recognition (OCR) and Natural Language Processing (NLP) technologies to extract data from diverse document types, such as invoices, receipts, forms, and contracts. This advanced data extraction:

  • Improves accuracy: Ensures that data is captured accurately from scanned images and digital documents.

  • Saves time: Automates the tedious process of manual data entry, allowing quick conversion of physical documents into digital formats.

2. Automated document classification

Docxster employs machine learning algorithms to automatically classify documents based on their content. This automated classification:

  • Streamlines workflows: Documents are categorized and routed correctly without manual intervention.

  • Reduces errors: Minimizes the risk of misfiling and ensures that documents are processed according to their type and relevance.

3. Contextual understanding and analysis

The platform's NLP capabilities enable it to understand the context and semantics of text within documents. This means Docxster can:

  • Identify key entities and relationships: Recognizes names, dates, amounts, and their relationships within the text.

  • Provide deeper insights: Understands the document's context, which enhances the accuracy of data extraction and interpretation.

4. Seamless integration and scalability

Docxster integrates effortlessly with existing enterprise systems such as ERP, CRM, and databases. This integration:

  • Facilitates smooth data transfer: Extracted data is immediately usable within the organization’s workflows.

  • Supports scalability: The platform can handle increasing volumes of documents without compromising performance, making it suitable for both small and large businesses.

5. Enhanced accuracy and compliance

Docxster's automated processes reduce manual data entry, thus minimizing errors and enhancing data accuracy. This is crucial for:

  • Regulatory compliance: Ensures that data handling meets industry standards, which is particularly important in regulated sectors like finance and healthcare.

  • Data integrity: Automated validation and verification processes ensure consistent and reliable data.

6. Cost and time efficiency

By automating routine document processing tasks, Docxster:

  • Reduces labor costs: Minimizes the need for extensive manual intervention.

  • Improves productivity: Frees up resources to focus on more strategic tasks, leading to faster processing times and reduced operational overheads.

7. Robust security measures

Docxster incorporates robust security features, including encryption, access controls, and secure storage. This:

  • Protects sensitive information: Ensures data integrity and compliance with data protection regulations.

  • Provides peace of mind: Businesses can trust that their confidential information is securely managed.

Docxster is an all-in-one tool for smart document handling. It pulls data from documents, sorts them automatically, understands the context, fits right into your current systems, ensures high accuracy, and keeps your information secure. With these features, Docxster helps businesses streamline their document processes and boost efficiency, making it a must-have for any organization.

Wondering how Docxster can actually help you? Sign up for free and see for yourself how much more efficient and accurate your workflow can be!


Intelligent document processing is a process of automating the extraction, interpretation, and processing of data from various types of documents using advanced AI technologies such as machine learning, natural language processing, and computer vision.

Increased efficiency, enhanced accuracy, scalability, cost savings, and improved compliance and security are some of the benefits of intelligent document processing, empowering businesses to operate more effectively and competitively.

The use cases of intelligent document processing includes finance and accounting, healthcare, legal, human resources, insurance, manufacturing and logistics, and real estate.

Looking for an ideal IDP solution? Docxster is here -> Sign up for free and see how it can simplify your workflow and amplify your growth!


1. What is the difference between OCR and intelligent document processing?

OCR (Optical Character Recognition) simply converts printed or handwritten text into digital format, while Intelligent document processing not only digitizes text but also interprets, classifies, and processes the data using AI technologies.

2. What types of documents can intelligent document processing handle effectively?

Intelligent document processing can handle invoices, contracts, receipts, forms, and reports. It works with both structured and unstructured documents, including handwritten text. It also processes various file formats like PDFs and images.

3. Can intelligent document processing handle handwritten text?

Yes, IDP can handle handwritten text using advanced AI to recognize and interpret different handwriting styles. While accuracy varies, many IDP solutions can effectively extract information from handwritten documents.

4. How can intelligent document processing improve efficiency and reduce errors in my organization?

Intelligent document processing (IDP) automates data extraction and entry, speeding up document processing and reducing errors. It ensures data accuracy with validation techniques and allows staff to focus on higher-value tasks, boosting overall efficiency.

5. What is the difference between IDP and RPA?

Intelligent document processing (IDP) focuses on extracting and processing data from documents using AI, whereas Robotic Process Automation (RPA) automates repetitive, rule-based tasks across various applications without necessarily involving document data extraction.