What is AI Document Processing & How to Implement It?

Document Automation Tips
With AI document processing, you can automate data extraction, classification, and management, transforming a tedious task into a streamlined process.
August 1, 2024
What is AI Document Processing & How to Implement It?

Are you tired of spending countless hours manually processing documents, only to end up with errors and inefficiencies? Imagine where document handling is fast, accurate, and effortless. With AI document processing, you can automate data extraction, classification, and management, transforming a tedious task into a streamlined process.

By 2025, 50% of business-to-business invoices around the world will be handled and paid automatically without manual intervention. That’s how quickly AI is evolving these days. In this article, we will understand what AI document processing is, how it works, and how to get started with AI document processing.

What is AI document processing?

AI document processing involves using artificial intelligence technologies to automatically handle and process documents. This technology can perform tasks such as scanning, categorizing, extracting, and analyzing data from various types of documents, such as PDFs, emails, invoices, and contracts.

AI document processing systems often use techniques like natural language processing (NLP), machine learning, and optical character recognition (OCR) to understand the content of documents, identify key information, and even make decisions based on that information.

This approach helps organizations reduce manual effort, improve accuracy, and speed up document-related workflows. Now, let’s dive deeper into the benefits of adapting AI document processing.

How does AI document processing work?

Handling documents used to be a slow and frustrating process filled with mistakes and endless paperwork. But now, with AI document processing, things are changing. This new technology uses automation to make everything faster and more accurate, simplifying what used to be a complex task.

Let’s understand the steps involved in AI document processing:

1. Document capture

This is where the process starts. Documents are either scanned using high-resolution scanners if they are physical, or they are imported directly if already digital. This step is crucial as it sets the stage for accurate data extraction by ensuring documents are readable and accessible in a digital format.

2. Preprocessing

Once documents are digitized, they undergo preprocessing to improve image quality. This may involve adjusting image attributes like brightness and contrast, deskewing to correct tilted documents, and despeckling to remove any spots or noise. These corrections help in making the text clearer and more distinguishable for the OCR stage.

3. Optical character recognition (OCR)

In this crucial step, OCR technology is used to convert images of text into editable and searchable text. The OCR engine reads the text character by character, which is essential for extracting accurate data. This technology has improved significantly, allowing it to handle various fonts and layouts with higher accuracy.

4. Data extraction

After OCR, AI algorithms analyze the text to extract specific pieces of information. Using techniques from natural language processing and machine learning, the system identifies key data elements like dates, amounts, names, and other specific details. The sophistication of this step can vary, from simple pattern recognition to complex contextual understanding.

5. Data validation and correction

Extracted data is then validated to ensure its accuracy and completeness. AI systems can cross-check extracted data against pre-existing databases or use rules to identify inconsistencies or errors. If inaccuracies are detected, the system can automatically make corrections or flag the document for manual review.

6. Classification and routing 

Once data is extracted and validated, documents are classified into categories such as invoices, contracts, or correspondence. They are then routed to appropriate departments or personnel.

This classification and routing are based on the content of the document and predetermined workflow rules, ensuring that each document is handled efficiently and by the correct part of the organization.

7. Integration

The final processed data is integrated into other business systems like enterprise resource planning (ERP), customer relationship management (CRM), or electronic document management systems. This integration is key for utilizing the data in day-to-day business operations, enabling seamless workflow and data accessibility across departments.

8. Analysis

With data extracted and organized, AI can further analyze the information to provide business insights. This might include identifying spending patterns from invoices, tracking contract renewal dates, or even flagging unusual transactions. These analytics help businesses make informed decisions and can provide a competitive edge.

By automating these steps, AI document processing transforms the traditional approach to document management, making it faster, more accurate, and scalable while reducing the manual effort involved.

6 Workflow challenges AI document processing solves

Imagine reducing the time you spend on document-heavy tasks while improving accuracy and security across your operations. AI document processing is transforming how businesses handle their paperwork, converting a traditionally slow and error-prone process into a streamlined, automated workflow

Let's take a look at six common workflow challenges that are resolved by AI document processing tools in detail.

1. Manual data entry and validation

Manually entering data takes a lot of time and effort, leading to slowdowns, especially with large amounts of documents. It's also prone to mistakes, especially with complex or varied document types.

AI document processing automates the data entry process. Using technologies like OCR and NLP, these tools accurately pull data from scanned documents or images and automatically fill in the necessary fields in databases. This reduces the need for manual work and minimizes human error.

2. Document categorization and sorting

Sorting and categorizing documents by hand can be tedious and error-prone, especially when dealing with a large number of documents.

AI document processing can automatically classify and sort documents based on their content. For example, invoices, purchase orders, and receipts can be identified and sent to the right department without human intervention, making the process faster and more organized.

3. Time-consuming document search and retrieval

Finding and retrieving specific documents from a large collection can take a lot of time, especially if the documents are not well-organized or indexed.

AI document processing can improve searchability by tagging documents with metadata and using advanced search algorithms. This allows users to quickly find documents based on content, context, or metadata, speeding up the retrieval process and making workflows more efficient.

4. Handling multilingual documents

Organizations that deal with international clients often have to process documents in multiple languages, which can make data extraction and understanding more complicated.

AI-powered document processing tools can recognize and process text in various languages. They can not only extract text but also understand its context, which is essential for accurate data interpretation and entry.

5. Integration with existing systems

Many businesses use different software systems for various processes, and integrating new tools can be challenging. Smooth data flow across systems is crucial, which manual processes can hinder.

Modern AI document processing tools are designed to integrate easily with existing systems like ERP, CRM, and DMS. This ensures that data extracted from documents is automatically synchronized with other business processes, enhancing data utility and accessibility.

6. Real-time data processing

In the hustle and bustle of modern business, real-time data is key. Manual document processing can't keep up with the demand for immediate data availability, which can delay decision-making and operations.

AI document processing tools provide real-time processing capabilities that allow organizations to access and act on information as soon as it's extracted from documents. This is essential in environments where time-sensitive decisions need to be made, like financial trading or emergency response management.

In a nutshell, AI document processing makes traditional workflows faster, more accurate, and better adapted to today’s business needs.

How can Docxster help you with document processing workflows?

Docxster simplifies handling various document types and formats, from PDFs and images to spreadsheets and emails. With advanced OCR and NLP, it extracts and organizes key data quickly and accurately. This reduces human error and speeds up workflows. And that’s not all.

Here are the key benefits you get from Docxster:

1. Easy document management  

Docxster quickly captures and sorts all your documents, whether they're PDFs, images, or spreadsheets. This saves you time on manual organization.

2. Smarter, faster decisions  

Our AI uses natural language processing to extract key information from your documents. This transforms complex data into clear insights, helping you make quick and cost-effective decisions.

3. More reliable data  

Docxster uses machine learning and OCR to ensure accurate and reliable data extraction. It cross-checks data with existing records, speeding up processing and surpassing the accuracy of manual methods. This reliability is essential for maintaining data integrity in your business. 

4. Streamline your workflow  

Use Docxster's analytics to spot areas where you can improve your processes. You can create custom reports to highlight these insights and easily integrate Docxster with your current software. Smoother workflow and more efficient operations.

5. Free up your team  

By reducing manual data entry, Docxster frees up your team for more important tasks. This not only makes their jobs more satisfying but also improves your company’s productivity and efficiency.

6. Tailored to your needs  

Docxster is highly effective across a range of industries, including finance, healthcare, real estate, and manufacturing. It not only reduces errors but also frees up time to enable your teams to concentrate on more strategic tasks.

7. Experience better efficiency and results  

Companies using Docxster cut down on manual data entry by 40% and see overall efficiency jump by 90%. With 60% of businesses adopting AI, using Docxster keeps you competitive and ready for the future. Docxster lets you focus more on growing your business and less on paperwork.

In a nutshell, Docxster is all about making your document management easier, accurate and more efficient. Whether you're simplifying invoicing, improving how you handle customer documents, or making sure your records are accurate for compliance, Docxster adjusts to fit your needs and makes managing documents easy and efficient. Try Docxster for free today!

Future of AI document processing

The future of AI in document processing will change how businesses manage their information by making systems smarter and more efficient.  A Forbes Advisor survey reveals that 56% of businesses are leveraging AI to enhance and refine their operations.

Let’s take a look at what the future holds for us.

1. Smarter decision-making

AI will not only extract data but also understand it. It can detect inconsistencies and automatically flag issues or take corrective actions while reducing the need for human intervention and increasing accuracy.

2. Better integration with IoT

As the Internet of Things (IoT) expands, AI document processing systems will likely integrate more smoothly with IoT devices. This integration could enable real-time updates to documents based on data collected from sensors and other connected devices. 

3. Using blockchain for security

Blockchain can enhance document security by creating tamper-proof records. This helps verify document authenticity and prevents fraud, especially in fields like legal, healthcare, and finance.

4. Predicting future needs

AI will analyze historical data to predict future trends and requirements. This helps businesses proactively address challenges and prepare for upcoming demands.

5. Customizing document experiences

AI will personalize document interactions based on user roles and preferences to enhance user experience and productivity.

6. Promoting sustainability

AI will optimize workflows and reduce paper usage while contributing to environmental sustainability. Improved energy efficiency will also minimize the environmental impact of office operations.

In short, the future of AI in document processing promises to create smarter, more integrated, secure, and user-friendly systems. These advancements will not only streamline workflows but also open up new opportunities for innovation and efficiency in business operations.

Bottom line?

AI document processing uses machine learning to automatically extract, categorize, and analyze data from a variety of documents. This process transforms unstructured information into actionable insights.

It offers a suite of advantages that enhance efficiency, accuracy, and strategic decision-making. As organizations continually look for ways to optimize their workflows and reduce operational overhead, adapting AI-driven document processing can be the turning point.

With AI document processing, businesses can scale their operations seamlessly, protecting sensitive information, and enabling their workforce to focus on more value-added activities. If you’re looking for an ideal AI document processing solution, Try Docxster for FREE!

Get started with our "Forever Free" plan and find out how Docxster ensures your documents are processed quickly and correctly.

AI document processing FAQs

1. How to use AI for document processing?

AI for document processing involves using technologies like machine learning and natural language processing to automate the extraction, classification, and management of data from documents, improving speed and accuracy.

2. What kinds of documents can AI systems process? 

AI document processing technologies are designed to handle a diverse array of document formats such as PDFs, JPEGs, and PNGs. These systems are also adept at processing complex document types like invoices, legal contracts, and various forms, accommodating both structured and unstructured data.

3. Is it possible for AI to interpret handwritten content?

Yes, advanced AI document processing solutions have the capability to decipher both handwritten and printed text. This functionality is powered by sophisticated Optical Character Recognition (OCR) and machine learning algorithms that adapt to different handwriting styles.

4. Docxster “Free Forever” plan - what is it?

Docxster's free forever plan allows you to use all the foundational features for as long as you like, without any cost. It helps you streamline your document processing tasks efficiently, and there are no hidden charges or time restrictions. It’s designed to help you experience the benefits of Docxster’s technology without any financial commitment.

5. How accurate is AI document processing?

Docxster's AI document processing is highly accurate, utilizing advanced OCR and machine learning technologies. This system is designed to reduce errors and enhance data extraction reliability, continually improving as it processes more documents. This ensures dependable and efficient document handling for all business needs.